* The example of the Angel of Portugal and his exhortation to adoration of, and sacrifice and reparation to Our Divine Lord in the Holy Eucharist.
* Frequent and fervent Holy Communions with devout thanksgiving, Eucharistic Vigils, perpetual adoration, spiritual Communions and visits to Our "Hidden Jesus."
* Promotion of devotion to the Holy Eucharist.
* Loving gratitude for the Blessed Sacrament, our Greatest Treasure!

OPENING PRAYERS: * Come Holy Ghost *
The Rosary with meditation on each mystery
* The Litany of Our Lady of Loreto *
Prayer to St. Michael the Archangel
* Prayer to St. Joseph after the Rosary * Seasonal Hymn
* Prayer to Our Lady of Good Counsel
MEDITATION: * from "My Imitation of Christ"; or
The Glories of Mary on the Immaculate Conception.
STUDY & DISCUSS: * Officer's reports; Cell Memos; apostolic action projects.

First Meeting:
Ancient Customs of Easter Sunday, Ancient Customs of the Easter Octave
(10 min. report; 5 min. discussion). Reference: See links above.
- THE ANGEL OF PORTUGAL AND THE BLESSED SACRAMENT: Review his exhortation to sacrifice, adoration of the Most Holy Trinity,
adoration and reparation to Our Divine Lord in the Most Holy Eucharist, etc. Show appreciation for your "Hidden Jesus."
Make fervent acts of faith, hope and love while praying the
Fatima Prayers taught us by the Angel of Portugal
(10 min. report; 5 min. discussion). Reference: Salve Maria Regina No. 121.
St. Herman Joseph of Cologne;
St. Leo the Great;
St. Hermenegild;
St. Justin Martyr;
St. Leo IX. How do the lives of these saints
inspire us to a more perfect living of our Holy Catholic Faith and our Consecration to our Immaculate Mother, the Queen of Heaven?
Choose two or three saints from the list above; briefly review their holy lives, and the lessons and virtues we should learn from them.
Discuss practical ways in which their virtues can be reproduced in our own daily lives (10 min. report & discussion).
Reference: See links above.
Second Meeting:
Liturgy of Low Sunday, April 7 and the Feast of the Annunciation, April 8
(10 min. report, 5 min. discussion). Reference: See links above.
- MARY IN DOCTRINE AND DEVOTION: Review the article Mary and the Resurrection of Jesus (10 min. report; 5 min. discussion.)
Reference: See link above.
- PASCHAL TIME: Review the articles on The History of Paschal Time,
The Mystery of Paschal Time and Practice during Paschal Time
(10-15 min. report & reflection). Reference: See links above.
Third Meeting:
- CATHOLIC DOCTRINE AND DEVOTION: Discuss the first part (A — E) of the article,
Revelation in General (10 min. report; 5 min. discussion). Reference: See link above.
- MARY QUEEN OF ALL HEARTS: Discuss devotion to Our Lady under this title and the history of the pilgrimage shrine in Quebec
(10 min. report, 5 min. discussion). Reference: Salve Maria Regina No. 142.
- COURT OF OUR HEAVENLY QUEEN:Discuss the life and virtues of St. Peter Gonzales — Apostle of Spain
(10 min. report, 5 min. discussion). Reference: See link above.
Fourth Meeting:
- THE TRADITIONAL CATHOLIC LITURGY: Review the articles on the Feasts of: St. Mark the Evangelist and
The Greater Litanies, April 25 (10 min. report; 5 min. discussion). Reference: See links above.
- MOTHER OF GOOD COUNSEL: Review the article about the miraculous image and Feast of
Our Mother of Good Counsel (10 min. report & discussion).
Reference: See link above.
- COURT OF OUR HEAVENLY QUEEN: Choose two or three saints from the list below; briefly review their holy lives,
and the lessons and virtues we should learn from them. Discuss practical ways in which their virtues can be reproduced in our own
daily lives: St. Marcellinus of Embrun;
St. Anselm;
St. Konrad of Parzham;
St. George;
St. Adalbert;
St. Fidelis of Sigmaringen
(10 min. report and reflection). Reference: see links above.
Fifth Meeting:
- THE TRADITIONAL CATHOLIC LITURGY: Review the articles on the Feasts of:
St. Joseph the Worker, May 1 and
The Finding of the Holy Cross, May 3
(10 min. report; 5 min. discussion). Reference: See links above.
- MARIAN SHRINES AND APPARITIONS: Review the history of the
Shrine of Our Lady of Pompeii (10 min. report; 5 min. discussion). Reference: See link above.
- COURT OF OUR HEAVENLY QUEEN: We cannot hope to dwell one day in the Heavenly Court of Our
Immaculate Queen unless we strive diligently in the pursuit of holiness. The blessed who already dwell in
Her Heavenly Court are inspirations for us in this pursuit of that life of holiness to which Jesus calls everyone.
Read the following list of feasts, and choose 2-3 saints to reflect upon during this meeting:
St. Peter Canisius;
St. Paul of the Cross;
St. Peter of Verona;
St. Athanasius
(10 min. report & reflection; discuss briefly the lessons learned and virtues taught by their lives,
and how to practically apply these virtues in our own daily lives.)
Reference: See links above.
CLOSING PRAYERS: Prayer to Mary, Queen of All Hearts ...
The Fatima Prayers ...
Hymn: 1 or 2 verses from The Devout Slave of Jesus in Mary by St. Louis Marie de Montfort
LEAFLET OF THE MONTH: The Angel of Portugal.
* Make an act of love and devtion to your Mother and Queen at every hour.
* Adoration, reparation, total consecration
* Conversion of sinners, salvation of souls ... * To promote the Message of Fatima
- Live the Liturgy – special observance of Easter Week (March 31-April 7).
- Frequently recite the prayers of the Angel of Portugal, especially before the Blessed Sacrament, in reparation for the sins of mankind and in gratitude for this great Gift of His Real Presence.
- Daily devotions in honor of the Resurrection throughout the Paschal Season (of fifty days), and endeavoring to rise with Our Divine Lord to a new life of grace, gratitude and fidelity.
- Novena and special observance of the Feasts of Mary, Queen of All Hearts and Our Lady of Good Counsel; commending especially the growth of the Fatima Cell Movement, and for the perseverance of the Remnant Faithful, determined to remain obedient to the doctrines and traditions of the One, Holy, Catholic, Apostolic Church without compromise!
- Make visits to hospitals and homes for the elderly. Console them with spiritual encouragement; distribute Fatima pledges, brown scapulars, Miraculous Medals, Sacred Heart badges, and leaflets to those open to receiving and using these spiritual aids.
- Make a diligent effort to distribute copies of Salve Mara Regina to souls who may be open to the traditional Catholic Faith. Take a special collection to purchase additional issues for apostolic use.