THE MOST PRECIOUS BLOOD OF JESUS. The Feast of the Most Precious Blood of Jesus was established by Pope Pius IX
in order to perpetuate the memory of the triumph of the allied Christian armies in 1849 over the revolution which had driven the Pope
from Rome. But this observance commemorates, above all, the triumph of the Precious Blood of Jesus Christ over the powers of evil.
It is the inestimable Price paid for our Redemption. This Most Precious Blood was symbolized by the victims of the Old Law;
yet it is this Divine Blood alone, by virtue of Its infinite efficacy, which can wash us free from all stain of sin,
and infallibly sanctify us, if we avail ourselves of the Sacraments which our Savior has given us, especially
the Sacraments of Penance and the Most Holy Eucharist. A single drop of the Precious Blood of Jesus would have sufficed
to redeem us all – being the God-Man, everything in Jesus Christ is of infinite value. But it was to manifest
to us the extent of His love that He shed His Life's Blood to the very last drop during His Passion, and finally when He
allowed His Sacred Heart to be pierced. Now, if He willingly shed His very Life's Blood to ransom us from the powers of Hell,
it is but right and just that we should live only for Him, and sanctify each and every moment of our lives by union
with His adorable Will. Each moment of our lives has been purchased at an immense cost – as St. Paul confirms in his
epistles – the infinite price of every drop of Our Lord's Most Precious Blood.
OUR LADY OF MOUNT CARMEL (Feast – July 16). On October 13th, 1917, the Blessed Virgin Mary appeared at Fatima
as Our Lady of Mt. Carmel, in a tableau representing the Glorious Mysteries of the Rosary. Note the lessons of this vision, as well as
the origin of the Brown Scapular as a gift from the Blessed Virgin Mary; its significance—an outward sign of our interior consecration
to Her, which must be accompanied by a fervent living of the teachings of Her Divine Son. The Scapular Apostolate—the spreading of
devotion to Our Lady and Her mantle of mercy, teaching others to wear it with piety and devotion; making and distributing
Brown Scapulars—with prudence—to those who understand its significance; the Novena and Devotions to Our Lady of Mt. Carmel.

OPENING PRAYERS: * Come Holy Ghost * The Rosary with meditation on each mystery
* The Litany of Our Lady of Loreto * Prayer to St. Michael the Archangel
* Act of Consecration to Our Lady of Mt. Carmel * Hymn: Holy Mary, Mother Mild (or another)
* Prayer of Pope Leo XIII to St. Joseph to be recited after the Rosary
MEDITATION: * from "My Imitation of Christ"; or "The Path of Mary"
STUDY & DISCUSS: * Officer's reports; Cell Memos; reading of the Salve Maria Regina Bulletin.

First Meeting:
- THE TRADITIONAL CATHOLIC LITURGY: Review the liturgical Feasts of the
Precious Blood of Jesus, July 1 and the
Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary, July 2
(10 min. report; 5 min. discussion). Reference: See links above.
- MARY IN DOCTRINE AND DEVOTION: Discuss the titles,
Our Lady of the Precious Blood, July 8 and
Mary, Mediatrix of All Graces, July 10 (10 min. report; 5 min. discussion).
Reference: see link above.
- THE COURT OF OUR HEAVENLY QUEEN: Choose 2-3 Saints to reflect upon during this meeting:
St. Otto;
Ss. Processus and Martinanus;
St. Leo II;
St. Willibald;
St. Palladius;
Ss. Cyril and Methodius (10 min. report and discussion).
Reference: see links above.
Second Meeting:
The Holy Chalice (10 min. report; 5 min. discussion). Reference: See link above.
- THE JULY APPARITION: Review this very important apparition of Our Lady of Fatima, especially the significance
of the vision of Hell and the request for devotion to the Immaculate Heart of Mary (10 min. report; 5 min. discussion).
Reference: Salve Maria Regina No. 144.
- THE COURT OF OUR HEAVENLY QUEEN: Choose 2-3 saints to reflect upon during this meeting:
St. Pius I; St. Veronica;
St. Eugenius
St. Bonaventure;
St. Heinrich II (10 min. report and discussion).
Reference: see links above.
Third Meeting:
Feast of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel, July 16 (10 min. report; 5 min. discussion). Reference: See link above.
- FATIMA AND THE SCAPULAR: Review the significance which the Brown Scapular had in the Message of Fatima
(10 min. report; 5 min. discussion). Reference: Article –
Living Our Scapular Consecration; article –
With Rosary and Scapular; Salve Maria Regina No. 104.
- THE COURT OF OUR HEAVENLY QUEEN: Choose 2-3 saints to reflect upon during this meeting:
St. Vincent de Paul;
St. Margaret of Antioch, Holy Helper;
St. Apollinaris;
St. Liborius;
(10 min. report and reflection). Reference: See links above.
Fourth Meeting:
- THE TRADITIONAL CATHOLIC LITURGY: Review the Liturgical Feast of
St. James the Greater, July 25 and
St. Anne, July 26 (10 min. report; 5 min. discussion).
Reference: See links above.
- GOOD SAINT ANNE: Review the life of St. Anne, the Mother of the Most Blessed Virgin Mary
(5-10 min. report; 5 min. discussion). Reference: Salve Maria Regina No. 124.
- THE COURT OF OUR HEAVENLY QUEEN: Choose 2-3 saints to reflect upon during this meeting:
St. Christopher, Holy Helper;
St. Pantaleon, Holy Helper;
St. Ignatius of Loyola
(10 min. report and reflection). Reference: See links above.
Fifth Meeting:
- THE TRADITIONAL CATHOLIC LITURGY: Review the Liturgical Feasts of
St. Peter's Chains, August 1, and the
Finding of the Relics of St. Stephen, August 3
(10 min. report; 5 min. discussion). Reference: See links above.
- MARY IN DOCTRINE AND DEVOTION: Review the articles on the
Dedication of Our Lady of the Snows, August 5, and the
Sanctuary of Our Lady of the Snows
(10 min. report; 5 min. discussion). Reference: See links above.
- THE COURT OF OUR HEAVENLY QUEEN: Review the lives of 2 or 3 of the following:
Commemoration of the Holy Machabees;
St. Alphonsus Maria Liguori;
Pope St. Stephen I;
St. Dominic;
St. Sixtus II
(10 min. report & reflection; briefly discuss application). Reference: See links above.
Prayer to the Precious Blood of Jesus for Vocations
The Fatima Prayers
Prayer to the Precious Blood for the Dying
Hymn to the Precious Blood
LEAFLET OF THE MONTH: Living Our Scapular Consecration
* Console Our Lady of the Precious Blood by imitating Her modesty.
* Make an act of love and reparation to the Sacred Heart of Jesus at every hour.
* To promote the Message of Fatima * Sanctification of self, family, neighbor
* Conversion of sinners, salvation of souls * Adoration, reparation, total consecration
- Eucharistic all-night Vigil on First Friday-First Saturday of the month.
- Family practice: Plan a special daily summer program to occupy "free" hours of young adults and children in additional
prayers, holy hours, spiritual reading, Youth Cell meetings, & apostolic works for the conversion of sinners and the salvation of souls.
- Pray and sacrifice for the sanctification of your Clergy and Religious, especially during this time of instruction and formation.
- Distribute modesty leaflets; insist on strict Marylike modesty in your home and family; avoid all occasions of immodesty,
which are the pathway of sin and gateway to Hell.
- Twenty-four hour Vigil of Reparation on July 13th – Our Lady of Fatima; pray for the strengthening of
Catholic family life; the spread of the Fatima Crusade and the growth of the Fatima Cell Movement;
and for the perseverance of the remnant faithful ever determined to remain obedient to the doctrines and
traditions of the One, Holy, Catholic, Apostolic Church.
- Devoutly participate in the Novena to Our Lady of Mt. Carmel in your Fatima Cell or family.
- Make and distribute Brown Scapulars to those who will truly value them, especially in homes for the
elderly and in hospitals; put up posters and distribute leaflets to promote the wearing of the Brown Scapular.
- Personal Resolve: to wear the Brown Scapular piously and faithfully, and venerate it often;
to read from True Devotion to Mary every day.
- Make weekly visits to hospitals and homes for the elderly. Brighten up their day with spiritual encouragement;
distribute Fatima pledges, Brown Scapulars, Miraculous Medals, Issues of Salve Maria Regina,
and leaflets to those open to receiving and respectfully using these spiritual aids. Explain to them the great
value of offering their sufferings for the conversion of sinners and the salvation of souls.
- Special observance of the Feasts of the Most Precious Blood of Jesus, the Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary,
First Friday–First Saturday, Mary, Mediatrix of All Graces, Our Lady of Mt. Carmel, St. Anne, Mother of the Blessed Virgin Mary.