* Study afresh the life of your Heavenly Mother, Her integral role in the Divine Plan for the Redemption
and Salvation of mankind, and Her apparitions – which testify to Her tender, constant, powerful, loving patronage.
* Fervent and zealous participation of all Fatima Crusaders in special daily devotions in Her honor.
* Ardent and loving participation in May processions and crownings honoring Our Lady, especially on the
Feast of Her Queenship – May 31.
* Total Consecration to Mary – the De Montfort "Holy Slavery of Love" – the precise fulfillment of Our Lady's
request at Fatima for consecration to Her Immaculate Heart; truly living as a consecrated slave of Mary.

OPENING PRAYERS: * Come Holy Ghost *
The Rosary with meditation on each mystery
* The Litany of Our Lady of Loreto *
Prayer to St. Michael the Archangel
* Prayer to St. Joseph after the Rosary * Hymn: 'Tis the Month of Our Mother
* Prayer to Our Lady of Fatima
MEDITATION: * from True Devotion to Mary; or
The Path of Mary.
STUDY & DISCUSS: * Officer's reports; Cell Memos; reading of the
Salve Maria Regina Bulletin.

First Meeting:
- THE TRADITIONAL CATHOLIC LITURGY: Review the articles on the Feasts of:
St. Joseph the Worker, May 1 and
The Finding of the Holy Cross, May 3
(10 min. report; 5 min. discussion). Reference: See links above.
- MARIAN SHRINES AND APPARITIONS: Discuss the history of the
Shrine of Our Lady of Pompeii (10 min. report; 5 min. discussion). Reference: See link above.
- COURT OF OUR HEAVENLY QUEEN: We cannot hope to dwell one day in the Heavenly Court of Our
Immaculate Queen unless we strive diligently in the pursuit of holiness. The blessed who already dwell in
Her Heavenly Court are inspirations for us in this pursuit of that life of holiness to which Jesus calls everyone.
Read the following list of feasts, and choose 2-3 saints to reflect upon during this meeting:
St. Athanasius;
St. Pius V;
St. John before the Latin Gate;
St. Stanislaus of Cracow
(10 min. report & reflection; discuss briefly the lessons learned and virtues taught by their lives,
and how to practically apply these virtues in our own daily lives.)
Reference: See links above.
Second Meeting:
- THE TRADITIONAL CATHOLIC LITURGY: Review the articles on the:
Apparition of St. Michael the Archangel, May 8 and
Feast of Sts. Philip and James, Apostles, May 11
(10 min. report & discussion). Reference: See links above.
- LIVING THE MESSAGE OF FATIMA: The anniversary of the First Apparition of Our Lady on May 13, 1917;
study Her words to the Fatima children on this occasion. Focus especially on Our Lady's request
for souls to willingly and lovingly make reparation for sin. Examine how the little children responded so
generously to Our Lady's plea by offering up heroic sacrifices of physical penance (and persecution)
for the conversion of poor sinners and for the Holy Father (10 min. report, 5 min. discussion).
Reference: "Our Lady Came to Fatima, the First Apparition";
Salve Maria Regina No. 154.
- COURT OF OUR HEAVENLY QUEEN: Choose 2-3 saints to reflect upon during this meeting:
St. Achatius;
St. Gregory Nazianzen.
St. Simon Stock;
St. John Nepomucene
(10 min. report and reflection; discuss briefly the lessons learned and virtues taught by their
lives, and how to practically apply these virtues in our own daily lives.)
Reference: See links above.
Third Meeting:
- THE TRADITIONAL CATHOLIC LITURGY: Review the article on the
Fifth Sunday after Easter, May 22 (10 min. report; 5 min. discussion). Reference: See link above.
- MARY IN DOCTRINE AND DEVOTION: Review devotion to Mary under these titles:
Our Lady of the Most Blessed Sacrament,
Mary, Queen of the Apostles, and
Regina Pacis
(10 min. report; 5 min. discussion). Reference: See links above.
- COURT OF OUR HEAVENLY QUEEN: Choose 2-3 saints to reflect upon during this meeting:
St. Eric, King of Sweden;
St. Bernardine of Siena;
St. Andrew Bobola;
St. Gregory VII (10 min. report and reflection).
Reference: See links above.
Fourth Meeting:
- THE TRADITIONAL CATHOLIC LITURGY: Review the articles on the
Rogation Days,
May 23-25 and the Feast of the Ascension, May 26
(10 min. report; 5 min. discussion). Reference: See links above.
- MARY, HELP OF CHRISTIANS:Review the articles on this Title and Feast – Mary, Help of Christians (10 min. report, 5 min. discussion).
Salve Maria Regina No. 152; Salve Maria Regina No. 111.
- COURT OF OUR HEAVENLY QUEEN: Discuss the life and virtues of:
St. Philip Neri;
St. Bede;
St. Eleutherius;
St. Augustine of Canterbury
(10 min. report and reflection.) Reference: see links above.
Fifth Meeting:
- THE TRADITIONAL CATHOLIC LITURGY: Review the article on the
Vigil of Pentecost, June 4 (10 min. report; 5 min. discussion). Reference: (See link above).
- AD CÆLI REGINAM: Review the institution of the Feast of the Queenship of Mary by Pope Pius XII,
promulgated in this Encyclical (10 min. report & discussion). Reference: Encyclical
Ad Caeli Reginam of Pope Pius XII.
- COURT OF OUR HEAVENLY QUEEN: Choose 2-3 saints to reflect upon during this meeting:
St. Ferdinand III;
St. Erasmus, Holy Helper;
St. Clotilde; St. Francis Caracciolo;
St. Boniface
(10 min. report and reflection.) Reference: see links above.
Prayer to Mary, Immaculate Queen of the Universe ...
The Fatima Prayers ...
St. Louis Marie De Montfort's Prayer to Mary ...
Hymn: Hail, Holy Queen
LEAFLET OF THE MONTH: Fatima Pledge ...
Ad Caeli Reginam.
* Make an act of love and devotion to Our Immaculate Queen at every hour.
* Honor Our Blessed Mother every day by beautifully decorating Her shrine and image,
and always keeping fresh flowers before Her.
* To promote the Message of Fatima ... * Adoration, reparation, total consecration
* Prayer and penance for the sanctification of self, conversion of sinners, salvation of souls
- Eucharistic all-night vigil on First Friday – First Saturday of the month.
- Love, honor and praise your Holy Mother each day of May by devoutly praying the Little Crown of the
Blessed Virgin Mary.
- Family practice: Enthrone Mary Immaculate as Queen of your home and family with a special ceremony of
procession and coronation. Each member of the family should take turns honoring Our Lady by placing fresh
flowers and vigil candles on the altar of Her Queenship, which should be in the CENTRAL PLACE OF HONOR IN YOUR HOME,
next to the altar of the Sacred Heart of Jesus Christ our King.
- Twenty-four hour Vigil of Reparation on May 13th, the anniversary of Our Lady's First Apparition at Fatima;
pray for the strengthening of Catholic family life; the spread of the Fatima Crusade and the growth of the
Fatima Cell Movement; and for the perseverance of the remnant faithful forever determined never to compromise
and always to remain faithful to the doctrines and traditions of the One, Holy, Catholic, Apostolic Church founded by Our Lord Jesus Christ.
- Special observance of the Feasts of: Our Lady of the Rosary of Pompeii; Our Lady of Fatima, Our Lady of the Most Blessed Sacrament,
Mary, Help of Christians, Mary, Queen of Apostles, the Ascension of Our Lord Jesus Christ, the Novena, Feast and Octave of Pentecost,
and the Queenship of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
- Pope Pius XII decreed that every parish should be annually re-consecrated to the Immaculate Heart of Mary on
May 31st, Feast of the Queenship of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Adorn Our Lady's altar with flowers and candles.
Participate in the procession and coronation of the Immaculate Heart of Mary.
If this is not possible, then organize your own as a family or with all the families of the Cell together.
- Personal Resolve: To grow every day during this month in love, respect, and true devotion to
Our Blessed Mother, (1) by total dependence upon Her; (2) by praising, thanking and honoring Her for being the worthy Mother of God
and our tender Mother, Immaculate Queen of the Universe, Spouse of the Holy Ghost, and Mediatrix of All Graces;
(3) by the fervent imitation of Her virtues, especially the virtues of charity, modesty and humility.
- Make visits to hospitals and homes for the elderly. Encourage them with spiritual conversation;
distribute Fatima pledges, brown scapulars, Miraculous Medals, Sacred Heart badges, and leaflets to those
who are open to receiving and using these spiritual aids.
The Seven Celestial Joys of Mary, Most Holy
St. Thomas Becket was accustomed to say daily Hail Mary’s in commemoration of Our Lady’s Seven Earthly
Joys. On one occasion, while engaged in this devotion, the Blessed Virgin appeared to him and said:
"Thomas, your devotion is most acceptable to Me; but why do you call to mind only the joys which I had on earth?
Henceforth remember those also which are Mine in Heaven; for everyone who honors both of these, I will console,
strengthen and present to My Most Dear Son at the hour of death." St. Thomas felt his soul filled with marvelous
exaltation, and he cried out: "And how, Sweetest Lady, can I do this, when I do not so much as know what these joys
are?" She answered: "Say the Hail Mary seven times daily. First because the Most Holy
Trinity honors Me above all creatures; secondly because My Virginity has elevated Me above all the
Angels and Saints; thirdly because the great light of My glory illumines the heavens; fourthly because all
the Blessed honor Me as Mother of God; fifthly because My Son grants Me whatever I ask; sixthly for the
grace bestowed on earth and the glory prepared in Heaven for My clients; lastly on account of My accidental glory,
which will go on increasing until the day of general resurrection." It was after this that St. Thomas
composed a Sequence on these joys – Gaude Flore Virginali.
The Brigittine Mysteries of the Rosary
It is well known that Saint Teresa of Avila prayed the Rosary daily.
It is related that while she was traveling throughout Spain, she enjoyed the hospitality of at least one
Brigittine Monastery and, from these Sisters, learned to say their six-decade Rosary.
The six-decade Rosary was later adopted as the Rosary of the Discalced Carmelite habit, with a large medal of
Our Lady of Mount Carmel in addition to, or even in place of, the crucifix found on the Dominican Rosary.
Only six of the eighteen decades are worn, as opposed to the entire fifteen decades of the Dominican Rosary, which are
worn with the religious habits of some other Orders.
The Brigittine (or "Saint Bridget") Rosary looks similar to a regular Rosary,
but with an extra decade. The resultant seven Pater beads honor the Seven Sorrows of the Blessed Virgin Mary,
and the sixty-three Ave Maria beads commemorate the sixty-three years it is believed Our Blessed Mother
lived on this earth before Her Assumption. In praying the Brigittine Rosary, there are a total of eighteen decades:
In the six Joyful Mysteries, the first is the Immaculate Conception; the sixth of the Sorrowful Mysteries
commemorates the Compassion of Mary, when the Body of Our Lord was placed in the arms of His Sorrowful Mother;
and the sixth of the Glorious Mysteries is recited in honor of the Patronage of Mary, Mediatrix of All Grace
(and, for the Carmelites, the Patronage of Mary, Queen Beauty of Carmel). The other mysteries are the same as in the
Dominican Rosary.
- The First Joyful Mystery, the Immaculate Conception – We offer unto Thee, O Lord Jesus, this decade
in honor of the Immaculate Conception of Mary, Most Holy; and we offer it unto Thee in reparation for the
offenses committed against Her Immaculate Heart.
- The Sixth Sorrowful Mystery, the Compassion of Mary – We offer unto Thee, O Lord Jesus, this decade
in honor of the compassion of Our Most Sorrowful Mother as She received Thy Crucified Body from the Cross;
and we beg of Thee the grace to always console Her by a life of constant fidelity.
- The Sixth Glorious Mystery, the Patronage of Mary – We offer unto Thee, O Lord Jesus, this decade
in honor of the tender, constant, powerful, loving Patronage of Our Most Holy Mother Mary; and we thank Thee
for so glorious a Mother and Queen.