OUR MOTHER OF SORROWS. In her final apparition, Our Lady of Fatima appeared as Our Mother of Sorrows,
to emphasize the effect the sins of mankind have upon Her most tender and Immaculate Heart. This apparition is also emblematic
of the Sorrowful Mysteries of the Rosary, as well as the life-long sorrows, which, like seven swords, pierced Her loving and
sensitive Heart through and through. Our Divine Lord told Lucia, Have compassion upon the Heart of your Most Holy Mother,
covered with thorns, with which ungrateful men pierce It at every moment, and there is no one to make an act of reparation to
remove them.
(Feast of the Seven Dolors of Mary—Sept. 15; The Sorrowful Heart of Mary—Sept. 5.)

OPENING PRAYERS: * Come Holy Ghost * The Rosary with meditation on each mystery
* The Litany of Our Lady of Loreto * Prayer to St. Michael the Archangel
* Prayer to Our Mother of Sorrows * Hymn: At the Cross Her Station Keeping
* Prayer of Pope Leo XIII to St. Joseph to be recited after the Rosary
MEDITATION: * from "My Imitation of Christ"; or "The Path of Mary"
STUDY & DISCUSS: * Officer's reports; Cell Memos; reading of the Salve Maria Regina Bulletin.

First Meeting:
- THE TRADITIONAL CATHOLIC LITURGY: Review the importance and history of the Liturgical Feasts of the
Nativity of Mary, September 8;
and the Holy Name of Mary, September 12
(10 min. report; 5 min. discussion). Reference: See links above.
- MARY IN DOCTRINE AND DEVOTION: Review the devotional aspect of the
Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, and the Holy Name of Mary
(10 min. report; 5 min. discussion). Reference: See links above; The Glories of Mary
by St. Alphonsus Maria Liguori; article "Holy Mary" in The Reign of Mary No. 45.
- COURT OF OUR HEAVENLY QUEEN: Discuss 2 or 3 of the following:
St. Hadrian;
St. Nicholas of Tolentino;
St. Pulcheria;
Ss. Cornelius and Cyprian
(10 min. report & reflection; briefly discuss application). Reference: See links above.
Second Meeting:
- THE TRADITIONAL CATHOLIC LITURGY: Review the importance and history of the Feasts of the
Exaltation of the Holy Cross, September 14;
the Seven Sorrows of Mary, September 15;
and the Ember Days of September
(10 min. report; 5 min. discussion). Reference: See links above.
- OUR LADY OF LA SALETTE: Review the fifth in the series on
The La Salette Controversy (10 min. report; 5 min. discussion.) Reference: See link above.
- THE SEVEN SORROWS OF MARY: Review the devotion to the Seven Sorrows of the Blessed Virgin Mary
(see this month's theme) (10 min. report and reflection). Reference:
Salve Maria Regina No. 92; Salve Maria Regina No. 110;
Salve Maria Regina No. 120;
The Glories of Mary by St. Alphonsus Maria Liguori.
Third Meeting:
- THE TRADITIONAL CATHOLIC LITURGY: Review the importance and history of the Liturgical Feast of
St. Matthew, Apostle and Evangelist, September 21 and the Liturgical Feast of
Our Lady of Ransom, September 24
(10 min. report; 5 min. discussion). Reference: See links above.
Old English Sanctuaries (10 min. report; 5 min. discussion). Reference: See link above.
- COURT OF OUR HEAVENLY QUEEN: Discuss 2 or 3 of the following:
St. Lambert;
The Stigmata of St. Francis;
St. Thomas of Villanova, as well as St. Maurice and the Theban Legion;
St. Eustachius, the Holy Helper
(10 min. report & reflection; briefly discuss application). Reference: See links above.
Fourth Meeting:
- THE TRADITIONAL CATHOLIC LITURGY: Review the importance and history of the Liturgical Feasts of the
Dedication of St. Michael the Archangel, September 29
and the Holy Guardian Angels, October 2
(10 min. report; 5 min. discussion). Reference: See links above.
- FATIMA AND YOUTH: Words of the Angel of Portugal to the Fatima children: "What are you doing? Pray!
Pray a great deal!" Discuss the diabolical forces which assault today's youth on every side, threatening to pervert them
morally and destroy them spiritually – materialism, secularism, relativism, state-sponsored "correct thinking", sex education,
moral depravity, immodesty, permissiveness, heresy; decay of religion, family, and society; over-emphasis on secular education
and social prestige, etc.; the Church's true teaching on the guidance of Christian youth; example of the Fatima
children; the urgent necessity of Fatima Youth Cells for all Catholic children and teenagers to safeguard their Faith,
preserve their virtue and save their immortal souls (10 min. report, 5 min. discussion). Reference:
Encyclical on Christian Education of Youth by Pope Pius XI.
- COURT OF OUR HEAVENLY QUEEN: Discuss 2 or 3 of the following:
Any of the North American Martyrs;
Ss. Cosmas and Damian;
St. Wenceslaus, King of Bohemia;
St. Jerome;
St. Remigius (10 min. report & reflection; briefly discuss application).
Reference: North American Martyrs Pt. I,
Pt. II,
Pt. III; See links above.
Prayer for the Seven Gifts of the Holy Ghost
Commemoration of the Stigmata of St. Francis
The Fatima Prayers
Hymn: Mary, How Sweetly Falls that Name
LEAFLET OF THE MONTH: Children, Your Mother is Calling
* To promote the Message of Fatima . . .
* Amendment of life and reparation . . . Penance . . . Adoration and total consecration . . .
- Personal Resolve: to make an act of loving reparation to the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary at every hour.
- Eucharistic all-night vigil on First Friday – First Saturday of the month.
- Vigil of Reparation on September 13th; pray for the spirit of reparation, the strengthening of Catholic family life, and the spread of the message of Fatima and the true Catholic Faith.
- Offer special prayers and sacrifices for an increase of many zealous and devout religious vocations, and for the spiritual growth and final perseverance of all of our Clergy and Religious Brothers and Sisters.
- Special observance of the Feasts of the Holy Ghost, the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Holy Name of Mary, the Exaltation of the Holy Cross, the Seven Dolors of Mary, the Stigmata of St. Francis of Assisi, Our Lady of Ransom, and St. Michael.
- Distribute modesty leaflets; place modesty posters in churches and public places; insist on strict Marylike modesty in your home and family. (Sadly so many, many souls are destroyed while still in the home because of laxity in this area.)
- Make weekly visits to the hospitals and homes for the elderly. Brighten their day with spiritual encouragement and give it purpose by explaining the value of suffering. Distribute Fatima pledges, Brown Scapulars, Miraculous Medals, and leaflets to those open to receiving and properly using these spiritual aids.