Notre Dame de Puy(Pronounced "Pwee.")
The facts being made known to St. George, he proceeded to the spot in company with his clergy, but when they came in sight of the rock, they paused in surprise. It was a hot summer's day, the 11th of July, but Mount Anis was covered with a sparkling veil of freshly-fallen snow. As they gazed in wonder at so strange a spectacle, a stag sprang out of a nearby thicket, and, with light steps bounded round the rock, and then galloped back to his woody covert, leaving on the snow traces of his feet. St. George directed the area thus marked out to be enclosed by a hedge, and St. Martial afterwards chose the place to be occupied by the altar of the future church, and left, as a precious relic to be preserved in it forever, one of the sandals of the Blessed Virgin, which he had brought from Rome.
Ever since its miraculous consecration in the early third century, Notre Dame de Puy has constantly remained a place of devout pilgrimage. In the middle ages it became the principal place of pilgrimage in the region. St. Karl the Great (Emperor Charlemagne) visited Notre Dame de Puy twice, in 772 and 800, and he designated it, along with Aachen and Saint-Gilles, as a center for the collection of alms for the Pope – known as "Peter's Pence." Because of its location, Le Puy was a convenient starting point for pilgrims to the Shrine of St. James in Santiago de Compostella. Other famous pilgrims include St. Odilon, St. Anthony of Padua, St. Dominic, St. Vincent Ferrer and St. John Francis Regis. There is an interesting connection between Lourdes and Notre Dame de Puy, at least through one of its Bishops. In 732, Charles Martel, by his victory over the Saracens, halted the advance of Islam upon Christian civilization. The enemy fled toward Spain. Nevertheless, some groups of the conquered held out in the fortress of Aquitaine, of which one was the castle of Mirambel on the rock overhanging what is now Lourdes. In 778, Charlemagne, wearily returning from his expedition to Spain, attacked the garrison whose commander, the implacable Mirat, had sworn by Satan's servant, Mahomet, that he would not surrender to any mortal man. The fortress seemed absolutely impregnable; it could only be starved into surrender. The siege was desperately prolonged. Then one day an eagle, carrying a trout caught in the Gave, let it fall inside the Saracen walls. Immediately, the cunning Mirat sent off the still floundering trout to the besieger, as though it were merely an unwanted addition to the plentiful rations of his soldiers. So it seemed, the supplies of the fortress were inexhaustible! Charlemagne began to despair of victory and spoke of raising the siege. But, so the story runs, Roracius, Bishop of Le Puy and chaplain to the Frankish army, had scented the trick. He obtained an audience with Mirat and saw for himself that the Saracens were at the end of their resources. Mirat insisted on his oath. "Brave prince," replied the Bishop, "you have sworn never to yield to any mortal man. Could you not with honor make your surrender to an immortal Lady? Mary, Queen of Heaven, has her throne at Le Puy, and I am her humble minister there." Thus freed from his diabolical oath, the Saracen chief came to terms. In token of his vassalage, he agreed to bring to the sanctuary of his Queen some handfuls of grass plucked on the bank of the Gave. Baptized under the name of "Lorus," Mirat was knighted by Charlemagne and received from him the command of the fort of Mirambel. It is from "Lorus," so the learned assert, that is derived the name Lourdes. "Puy Notre Dame," as it soon came to be called, is associated in a particular manner with the story of the Crusaders. When Pope Urban II visited France to open the Council of Clermont and preach the first Crusade, he came to Puy and was there received by its famous Bishop, Adhemar de Montheil, who was the first man to assume the Crusader Cross, and who accompanied Godfrey de Bouillion to the Holy Land in the quality of Legate of the Holy See. A new door was opened in the wall of the church on this occasion, to admit the Vicar of Christ, after which it was walled up again, only to be reopened when any of his successors in the Chair of St. Peter should visit the cathedral. Here, at the foot of Our Lady's altar, Urban II passed the entire Feast of the Assumption, 1095, praying for the success of his great enterprise, and the deliverance of the Holy Land; and here, before leaving his beloved city, Adhemar de Montheil prostrated on the same spot and then, as by sudden inspiration, arose and intoned an anthem, then heard for the first time, but which each successive generation of Christians has repeated with increased devotion: "Salve Regina, Mater Misericordiae, vita, dulcedo et spes nostra, salve!" Whether, as stated by Puy historians, Adhemar was really the author of this anthem or whether the circumstances under which it was then recited first rendered it popular, one thing is certain – that in the early times it always bore the title of the Anthem of Puy, and that it formed the favorite invocation of Our Lady in use among the first Crusaders.
Their confidence in the protection of Our Lady knew no bounds; "Puy was the city of Mary;" and it was the proud boast of her citizens that she had never opened her gates to a conqueror. Again and again the heretical Huguenots laid siege to the place, but whether they had recourse to stratagem or violence, their efforts were equally frustrated.
Champions of Catholic OrthodoxySaint Rose of Viterbo, Virgin (†1252)
Throughout all this, the infant Rose seemed filled with grace from her birth; with tottering steps she sought Jesus in His tabernacle, she knelt before sacred images, she listened to pious conversation, retaining all she heard. When but three years old, she raised to life her maternal aunt. At the age of seven, she had already lived the life of a recluse, devoting herself to penances. One coarse habit covered her body; fasts and disciplines were her delight. Pope Innocent IV ascended the Papal Throne on June 15, 1243. Frederick offered some concessions, but it was clear that he was bent on having the Papal States. The Pope secretly left Rome, arrived at Lyons on December 2, 1244, and early in 1245 summoned the Bishops and princes to a Council there. The First Council of Lyons opened on June 28, but waited for the absent Frederick for three weeks. When he still failed to arrive, the Council passed sentence of excommunication, and the Pope declared Frederick deposed of his imperial authority. This caused great turmoil in Germany, as the clergy generally supported the Pope, but the nobility generally supported Frederick (thus helping to set the stage for the Protestant revolution centuries later). Meanwhile in Italy, Frederick continued to gain control over Papal territory. Viterbo, too, fell to the imperial power (the Ghibellines); but here, in a sickly little girl, the mighty Frederic would find one of his greatest foes. To defend the Church's rights was her burning wish, and for this she received her mission from the Mother of God. After restoring her health, Our Lady gave Rose the Franciscan habit, with the command to enroll herself in the Third Order of St. Francis and then to go forth and admonish her native town. When hardly twelve years old, Rose went down to the public square at Viterbo, called upon the inhabitants to be faithful to the Sovereign Pontiff, and vehemently denounced all his opponents. So great was the power of her word, and of the miracles which accompanied it, that the Ghibellines, in fear and anger, drove her from the city in January, 1250. Rose and her parents took refuge in Sorriano. On December 5, 1250, Rose foretold the speedy death of the emperor, a prophecy realized on December 13. Soon afterwards she went to Vitorchiano, whose inhabitants had been perverted by a famous sorceress. Rose secured the conversion of all, even of the sorceress, by standing unscathed for three hours in the flames of a burning pyre, a miracle as striking as it is well attested. Pope Innocent IV was brought back in triumph to Rome and the cause of God was won. With the restoration of the papal power in Viterbo (1251) Rose returned. She wished to enter the monastery of St. Mary of the Roses, but was refused because of her poverty. She humbly submitted, foretelling her admission to the monastery after her death. The remainder of her life was spent in the cell in her father's house, where she died in her eighteenth year. Not long after, she appeared in glory to Pope Alexander IV, and bade him translate her body. He found it as the vision had said, but fragrant and beautiful, as if still in life. Her feast is celebrated on Sept. 4th, when her incorrupt body is carried in procession through Viterbo. St. Lambert, Bishop & Martyr (†709)
While St. Lambert enjoyed the quiet of holy retirement, he wept to see the greatest part of the churches of France laid waste. In the meantime the political clouds began to break away, and St. Lambert was restored to his See. Trouble of another sort would soon be the occasion of the holy Bishop's martyrdom. King Pepin of Heristal lived for many years in irreproachable wedlock with the pious Plectrude, who bore him two sons. Later he entered into unlawful relations with Alpais, who became the mother of Charles Martel. When no one had the courage to remonstrate with Pepin, Lambert went to his court like another John the Baptist. Alpais, fearing that Pepin might heed the admonitions of the saint, appealed to her brother Dodo. The latter sought revenge and caused Bishop Lambert to be assassinated in the chapel of Sts. Cosmas and Damian, built by St. Monulphus at Liège. His heart was pierced by a javelin while he was at the altar on the 17th of September, 709. Some years later, St. Hubert exhumed the relics of St. Lambert and had them enshrined at Liège.
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