What is a "Fatima Cell?"A small group of Catholics who meet in their homes once a week to pray together; study, discuss, and learn better their holy Catholic Faith and their consecration to Our Lady; and resolve to better live their holy Faith and devotion to Our Lady through apostolic action. You may meet as a "family Cell" also, or form a Fatima "youth Cell." If you have no one else to participate, you may even follow the Fatima Cell program on your own. It's that important! |
What is a "Fatima Cell" meeting?(1) Pray together: the Rosary, monthly devotions, and a short meditation. (2) Study and discuss the topics listed: living our Holy Catholic Faith, living our Consecration to Our Lady, and the lives of the Saints (at least 15 minutes each). (3) Make resolutions to better live the Faith and our consecration to Our Lady during the coming week. Closing prayers. (Meeting outline) |
*An instrument of true spiritual renewal to bring about:
self sanctification
the conversion of sinners
the salvation of souls
true world peace
the triumph of Mary's Immaculate Heart
* THE FATIMA CELL is Our Lady's instrument for triumph over Socialism, Communism, Materialism, and the forces of antiChrist rapidly spreading across the face of the earth. ("Russia will be converted and my Immaculate Heart will triumph.")
* THE FATIMA CELL is Our Lady's plan for safeguarding our precious Catholic Faith in the midst of the current widespread modernist heresy and apostasy through an inspiring and effective program of:
* Our only hope to persevere in the midst of the present chaos and confusion and to withstand the present onslaught of the legions of Hell is to strengthen our Faith by:
personal Total Consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary
living and spreading the message of Fatima - the Peace Plan from Heaven
coming together in a weekly Cell meeting of prayer, study, and apostolic action.
2 to 10 or more members who promise to fulfill the requests of Our Lady of Fatima and to follow the Cell program in a weekly meeting of:
PRAYER: The Rosary, spiritual reading, meditation, Fatima Prayers.
STUDY and DISCUSSION: A monthly program is posted on SALVEMARIAREGINA.INFO with topics for discussion on:
(a) Living our Consecration to Mary;
(b) Living the message of Fatima;
(c) Catholic doctrine to strengthen our Faith; and
(d) Exposition of the errors and heresies of those forces which are destructive of the Faith.
APOSTOLIC ACTION: A spiritual outline for the promotion of Our Lady's requests, personal and family sanctification, the conversion of sinners, and the salvation of souls.
(a) FATIMA CELLS are required to spend at least one hour together each month in a group Holy Hour of Reparation.
(b) Every Cell should review and attempt to follow the proposed Apostolic Actions at the end of each month's Cell Program.
(c) Cell Members with children may wish to form a Family Cell and adapt the material to the children's level.
THE FATIMA CELL is Our Lady's solution for:
(a) Triumph over Communism, Socialism, Materialism, Modernism and all the forces of antiChrist. ("Russia will be converted and my Immaculate Heart will triumph.")
(b) Safeguarding our precious Catholic Faith in the midst of widespread confusion, heresy, and apostasy. ("Thou alone, O Mary, hast crushed all heresies.")
(c) True world peace ("War is a punishment for sin." "Tell everyone that God has entrusted the peace of the world to Mary's Immaculate Heart.")
Help hasten the reign of Christ our King and Mary our Immaculate Queen!
(Tomorrow may be too late!)
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