CHAPLET of the
of the MOST HOLY

Maria Bambina Santissima
(Recited daily during the novena for the Nativity of the Infant Mary)
(Recited upon the beads of the Rosary)
1. The Immaculate Conception of the Holy Infant Mary
Let us meditate upon the First Joy of the Infant Mary, her Immaculate Conception. We
offer Thee, O Jesus through Mary, this First Joy in honor of the Immaculate Conception of
the Holy Infant Mary.
Seven Hail Mary's, Glory be to the Father...
We praise thee and we glorify thee, O Immaculate Virgin Mary, as we rejoice and
contemplate with love thy Immaculate Conception.
V. O Holy Infant Mary,
R. Intercede for us who have recourse to thee!
2. The Holy Nativity of the Infant Mary
Let us meditate upon the Second Joy of the Infant Mary, her Holy Nativity. We offer
Thee, O Jesus through Mary, this Second Joy in honor of the Holy Nativity of the Infant
Seven Hail Mary's, Glory be to the Father...
We praise thee and we glorify thee, O Immaculate Virgin Mary, as we rejoice and
contemplate with love thy holy Birth.
V. O Holy Infant Mary,
R. Intercede for us who have recourse to thee!
3. The Bestowal upon the Infant Mary of Her Most Holy Name
Let us meditate upon the Third Joy of the Infant Mary, the Bestowal of her Holy
Name. We offer Thee, O Jesus through Mary, this Third Joy in honor of the Bestowal upon
the Infant Mary of Her Most Holy Name.
Seven Hail Mary's, Glory be to the Father...
We praise thee and we glorify thee, O Immaculate Virgin Mary, as we rejoice and
contemplate with love the Holy Name chosen for thee by God.
V. O Holy Infant Mary,
R. Intercede for us who have recourse to thee!
4. The Presentation of the Infant Mary in the Temple
Let us meditate upon the Fourth Joy of the Infant Mary, her Presentation in the
Temple. We offer Thee, O Jesus through Mary, this Fourth Joy in honor of the Presentation
of the Infant Mary in the Temple.
Seven Hail Mary's, Glory be to the Father...
We praise thee and we glorify thee, O Immaculate Virgin Mary, as we rejoice and
contemplate with love thy Presentation in the Temple.
V. O Holy Infant Mary,
R. Intercede for us who have recourse to thee!
5. The Consecration by the Infant Mary of Her Most Holy Virginity to God the Father
Let us meditate upon the Fifth Joy of the Infant Mary, the Consecration of her most
Holy Virginity to God the Father. We offer Thee, O Jesus through Mary, this Fifth Joy in
honor of the Consecration by the Infant Mary of her most Holy Virginity to God the Father.
Seven Hail Mary's, Glory be to the Father...
We praise thee and we glorify thee, O Immaculate Virgin Mary, as we rejoice and
contemplate with love the holy Consecration of thy Virginity to God.
V. O Holy Infant Mary,
R. Intercede for us who have recourse to thee!
Let us pray:
O beloved of God, most Holy Infant
Mary, do thou hear and answer me. Thou didst consecrate thy entire self from thy very
childhood to the love of thy God; obtain that I, during the time that I have yet to be on
earth, may live for God alone. Do thou obtain for me from thy Divine Son the grace to
follow His command to strip myself of all pride and to "convert and become as a
little child," living always in the spirit of humble obedience.
On this day, in union with thee -- most Holy Infant Mary, I
renounce all creatures and the spirit of the world, and I consecrate myself entirely to
the love of my Lord. I also offer myself to thee, my Immaculate Queen, to serve thee
always. Accept me as thy devoted servant in an especial manner, and obtain for me the
grace to be faithful to thee and to thy Son at every moment of my life, that I may one day
praise thee and love thee for all eternity in Heaven. Amen.
V. O Holy Infant Mary,
R. Intercede for us who have recourse to thee!
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