Vol. 25, Issue No. 90 |
(Counsels for those striving to live a life pleasing to God)
A little child,
sitting on its mother's lap, was being taught to say her prayers. Having repeated
after her mother the words: "In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the
Holy Ghost," the child suddenly interrupted her by asking, "Mother, it says the
Father in Heaven, and the Son in Heaven. Why is there not a Mother in Heaven?"
That inquiry comes from the depths of the human heart. The heart of man feels
the need of a Mother to plead for him before the throne of God; and He Who created that
heart, and knows its needs, has given us a Mother in the person of Mary, the Blessed
Virgin and Mother of God.
If you, dear soul, desire to be truly pious, begin by taking this Mother as your pattern;
earnestly seek to imitate her, and to be her faithful child.
We salute Mary with the Latin word Ave.
If we reverse this word, we have the Latin name of the first
woman -- our first mother, Eva. What misery and misfortune did not the sin of this
first woman bring upon the world! She is no longer the mother of the living, as her
name denotes, but of the dead, of those who are spiritually dead. But it is right
that we should salute Mary with the word Ave, for she is in truth the opposite
to Eva. By becoming the Mother of the Redeemer she won salvation, deliverance, and
true spiritual life for the whole human race. As far as her example goes, she is
also a direct contrast to Eve. We have been warned by the saints to beware of
imitating Eve; I now desire earnestly to entreat you to endeavor to imitate the virtues of
Mary. Behold her at the hallowed moment when the Angel brought to her the message
from on High, and the mystery of inexpressible magnitude, the mystery of the Incarnation
of the Son of God, was accomplished. What cannot we all learn form this "Virgin of virgins!"
Scripture tells us in the first place: "The angel being come in said unto her."
Mary was not found out of doors, amid the tumult of the world, but in the sacred seclusion of her own room; she
loved retirement.
Christian soul, love retirement
and recollection. Of course, I do not mean that you ought to always remain at home,
in your own room, or that you ought always to remain aloof from other persons. This
is certainly not my meaning, unless, indeed, God were to call you to embrace a life of
cloister and contemplation as a Religious.
Yet it still holds true, that if
you wish to persevere in the path of piety, to be happy both in this world and also in the
next, you must imitate Mary; you must love retirement; and though you live amid the bustle
and turmoil of the world, you must not be of the world.
Especially you must endeavor to
suppress the restless craving for the approbation of your fellow men. A desire to
please, to attract the notice of others is often evident in most people to a greater or
lesser degree. But this desire, so seldom resisted, so freely indulged, has effected
the temporal and eternal ruin of many young people and of many older persons also.
Struggle with all your might against this inordinate desire to please; like Mary,
cultivate a love of seclusion. Remember the violet. Everyone loves and values
this modest little flower, which thrives and blossoms most beautifully in the shade.
Prove your love of retirement by
avoiding dangerous occasions and amusements as far as you possibly can. Such are
unsupervised meetings with those of the opposite sex and modern amusements of an immoral
tendency. Young persons who desire to preserve their innocence and virtue must
exercise the greatest caution and prudence in regard to these and similar matters.
Give further proof of your love
for retirement by remembering the presence of God at all times, and in all places, and by
keeping Him before your eyes whatever you may be doing; whether you are at work or at
school, partaking of your meals, or conversing pleasantly with those around you.
In the second place, Holy
Scripture says concerning the Blessed Virgin Mary: "Who having heard, wondered at his
saying, and thought within herself what manner of salutation this might be."
She shrank from the praise which was bestowed upon her. Far from giving her
pleasure, it caused her to fear because of her deep sense of unworthiness and
humility. Again I repeat, do you, my dear soul, act in like spirit? Do you
fear, when men approach you with flattering words, when they extol, in honeyed accents,
your physical attributes, mental gifts, or talents, when they assure you that your company
or conversation is gratifying to them? Trust them not too readily! How many
souls have paid for their foolish conversation and vanity, their love of praise and
flattery, with the loss of their innocence! Wherefore, be warned to avoid the
company of men and spend more time in conversation with God.
In the third place, to the
proposal which would confer on her the highest possible honor -- that of becoming the
Mother of God -- Mary replied with childlike humility: "How shall this be done?"
She did not question the Holy Will of God nor the power of God to bring about this
great honor, but she desired from the Archangel Gabriel an assurance that she would be
able to preserve her virginity, which she had consecrated to God.
If Mary exercised such extreme
caution in regard to the proposal made to her by a heavenly messenger, how careful and
conscientious ought you to be in regard to the temptations of the world and of the enemy
of souls! When some tempter approaches you, and tries to induce you to join in some
dangerous amusement, to remain alone with a person of the opposite sex, then answer with
Mary that as the handmaid or the servant of the Lord, you must avoid the corrupting spirit
of the world and those who are imbued with it. Act in accordance with your words;
you must fly from the worldly tempter and the gossip -- fly without delay from the spirit
of the world!
If a non-Catholic should make
your acquaintance and wish to marry you, you must imitate Mary by asking: "How can
this be done? How can I consent to a mixed marriage, since my Mother, the Holy
Catholic Church, disapproves of such unions, and since they so seldom turn out
Finally, in the fourth place,
when Mary had perceived what the Holy Will of God was, she replied in a spirit of totally
humble submission: "Behold the handmaid of the Lord; be it done unto me according to
thy word." If you desire to be truly pious, you must be perfectly resigned to
the Will of God. In this respect also, you must imitate Mary. This remark
especially applies to the choice of a state of life. When once you perceive what is
the Will of God, when you have heard His voice speaking to you in clear and definite
accents -- then obey that voice, however great a sacrifice it may cost you to do so.
Pray earnestly for grace to follow His call, and to say from your heart as well as
with your lips, in imitation of Mary: "Behold the handmaid of the Lord, be it done to
me according to Thy word."
In the manner described, take
Mary for your model, and beseech her to always intercede on your behalf.
Hail Blessed Mother, Virgin pure! From every stain of sin secure;
Hail morning star that gilds the sky! Hail daughter of the Lord most high!
Fairer than aught on earth beside, my joy and hope, my path's sure guide!
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