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Vol. 38, Issue No. 96 |

Our Lady of Guadalupe,
Madonna of the Americas
One of the most striking apparitions of Our Lady took place on our own American Continent;
She appeared to a lowly Aztec Indian, Juan Diego, in Mexico in 1531. On that occasion, as
a proof of her identity, she caused a picture of herself to appear on Juan Diego's cloak.
Further, she has continued to preserve this self-portrait which, though executed on poor
material that should have perished centuries ago, remains intact to this day. Thus we can
still see our beautiful Mother exactly as She appeared over 460 years ago. More important,
perhaps, than the picture, is the manifestation which Our Lady gave to us all of Her
loving maternal heart through Her words to Juan Diego: "I urgently desire a temple to
be built here... to bear witness to my love and compassion, my succor and protection. For
I am a merciful Mother to all who love me and trust me and invoke my help. I will hear
their weepings and supplications that I may give them consolation and relief."
Our beloved country, America, is dedicated to Our Lady under the glorious title of Her
Immaculate Conception. How very fitting, then, that when the Mother of God deigned to
appear on the North American continent, the symbols of Her Immaculate Conception were
included in the apparition. Our Lady of Guadalupe, "She who crushed the head of the
serpent," symbolizes Her triumph over Satan's seduction of Eve and the resultant
original sin, Her triumph over the serpent-god of the pagan Indians, and the ultimate
triumph of Her Immaculate Heart over the legions of Hell and the forces of Anti-Christ.
"Let us gather 'round Her altar -- let us raise Her banner high." O Immaculate
Virgin of Guadalupe, protect our homes, our families, our country, against the raging tide
of materialism and moral decay, the threatening menace of the police state and the
oppressive slavery of world-wide Socialist domination. May our nation and all the nations
of the Americas one day soon acknowledge Thee as their Mother and Queen, and may all the
peoples of the Americas be converted to Thy Immaculate Heart and begin to live lives of
fervent Catholicism in consecration to the Sacred Heart of Thy Divine Son.
Prayer to the Madonna of the Americas, Our Lady of Guadalupe
Our Lady of Guadalupe, Mystical Rose, make intercession for Holy Church, protect our Most
Reverend Bishop, help all those who invoke thee in their necessities, and since thou art
the ever Virgin Mary, and Mother of the true God, obtain for us from thy most holy Son,
the grace of keeping our Faith, of sweet hope in the midst of the bitterness of life,
burning charity, and the precious gift of final perseverance. Amen.
Ave Maria, My Lady of the Roses, Holy Mary of Guadalupe, I stand here
humbly at Thy feet.
Make me a Juan Diego, unworthy though I be.
Let me carry Thy message far and near,
Let me show my love for thee.
Ave Maria, My Lady of the Roses,
O Mother of the Americas, Loving Mother, please smile on me!
Loving Mother, please smile on me! Maria!
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and Her Message
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